Saturday, January 3, 2009

Body Shop Sites

All the Body Shop sites out there for jewelry, make-up, genetics, and more! Except for clothes - we have a separate section for that. Now, on to the links!

Active Sites - These are the sites that are still up and running, and posting new creations for you to enjoy!

All About Style: Amazing jewelry, hair, hats, make up, bags and other accessories; some historical.  (Sims 2 & 3)

Anna Maria Sims: Eyeshadows and lipsticks for your trendy ladies, plus gorgeous earrings, necklaces and bracelets. (Sims 2 & 3)

Basics for Sims: Six great everyday purses.

BetaSims: Trendy makeup for your ladies.

Club Crimsyn: Aikea Guinea and Geldyh's amazing grunge and goth creations; site features hair, makeup, jewelry, face masks and more! (Sims 2 Archives) (Updates for Sims 3 only)

Cool Sims: Gorgeous hair for male and female sims.

Garden of Shadows:  An alternative forum with tons of hair (natural and un/ streaked), unique accessories, tattoos, skintones and more!

GenenSims: The place to go for unique, feline and fantasy skins, face masks and other body shop items .

Just Sims 2: brows, eyes, hair, skins, makeup and some amazing jewelry. (Sims 2 & 3)

Liana Sims: Lots of trendy accessories to pretty up your female sims. (Sims 2 & 3)

Mirkwood Sims: Hair, jewelry, eyes and facial tattoos!

Modish Kitten: Colored armwarmers and retro headphones for your disco sims.

Nocturnal Sims: Nymphy's new site filled with gothic goodies.

Parsimonious: Lots and lots of goodies, many themed! (Sims 1, 2 & 3)

Peggy Sims: (Internet Explorer only) Lots of accessories and beautiful hairs; paysite with a large freebies section (booty link).

Raon Sims: great hair for guys and gals, but some with very high poly counts; Free registration required to download; Some items pay.

RoseSims: Makeup, eyebrows and some great hairs and jewelry, much with an Asian flair.

Sim e Napule: Eyes, bags and jewelry.

Simply Styling: Hairs, realistic eyeset, skintones, lots of makeup, also great Halloween hair and masks for the kids.

Sims 2 Cri/ Sims 3 Cri: A bit of everything here; Site available in English and Italian. (Sims 2 & 3)

Sims 2 Heaven: Loads of gorgeous eyes, eyebrows, makeup and hairs, many with an Asian flair.

Sims Artist Union: Amazing hair recolors and meshes, eyecolors and skintones. (Sims 2 & 3)

Sims Utopia: Some lovely female hairs. (Sims 2 & 3)

Sky Sims 2: Skintones, hairs, eyes, eyebrows, makeup and accessories.

Snow White Sims: Just some of the prettiest hair retexures and recolors around, is all.

Stephan Sims: @Stephan's site with gorgeous genetics.

XM Sims: Amazing hair, especially the most recent meshes, accessories, eyes and makeup as well; Site available in English and Chinese. (Sims 2 & 3)

Archived Creators:  Sites that no longer update, but have all or most of the CC archived

17 Teen: Makeup, hair and genetics for the ladies; older downloads in "sale" section.

Adele Sims: Two cute hairs, eyes and eyebrows, plus a few accessories; all very high quality.

Bluewater Village: Accesories, hair, makeup and tattooed skintones to beautify your sims.

Calalily Sims: Fantasy skins! Fantasy skins! Fantasy skins!

Club Crimsyn: (Sims 2 Archives) Aikea Guinea and Geldyh's amazing grunge and goth creations; site features hair, makeup, jewelry, face masks and more! (Updates for Sims 3 only)

Curvaliscious Sims 2: Hair, eyes and lipsticks.

Enayla: Gorgeous skins, fantasy skins, and eyes.

EXpresSims: Some fabulous full face make-up in a South African style, as well as some cool earrings; a Wicked Nouk site.

Helaene: Amazing body shop items including realistic brows and eyes, hair recolors and oh-so-lovely skintones. (Sims 2 & 3)

LA Pink: IcedMango's site, filled with trendy makeup, eyes, hair and accessories.

Natural Sims: Makeup, genetics and jewelry for your sims.

Milkazen: Eyes, makeup, masks and hair; site available in French and English.

Mony Sims: Big, beautiful earrings, a few sims, one lipstick and one sunglasses recolor.

Niaolong: fabulous hairs, facial tattoos, and a ton of other-worldly and gothic eyes, both genetic and contact.

Piggi's Sims: Hair recolors and skintones.

Pronup Sims: Hairstyles, makeup and jewelry to make your sims beautiful for that special day, includes unique items such as tiaras, veils and scepters; Site no longer updated; Available in French and English.

RenSim: Amazing skins, makeup, eyes, and eyebrows; several default sets.

RockChick Sims: Eyes, tons of hair and makeup, much with a gothic vibe.

SimChic: Skins, hair, makeup, jewelry and other accessories; paysite with rotating freebies section .

SimCribbling: The famous Louis's hair, makeup, and other genetics, including those gorgeous skintones.

Sims Utopia: Some lovely female hairs. (Sims 2 & 3)

Sirona Sims: Corvidophile's site with gorgeous sims, skintones, hair recolors, makeup, and default packs.

Star Sims: Lots of goodies to pretty up your trendy sims.

Sussi's So Good Sims: Sussi's brows, eyelashes and hair from days gone by.

DEAD SITES - No Archives Available (YET!)

Limmerfer: Unique eyes, jewelry, and makeup.

SiManiac: Lovely hairs and makeup for your sims; Turkish site.

Sims 2 Inlimite/ Sims 3 Inlimite: Eyebrows, eyes, unique streaked hairs, makeup and accessories.(Sims 2 & 3)

Sims 4 Life (German): German site with hair, an eye set, one fantasy/haute couture face mask and some sunglasses; English traslation of site by Google.

Sloppy Junk from Class Sims: Tattooed skin, streaky hair, necklaces and facial tats.

Trashcore: Cute and unique earrings and necklaces.

Page last updated:  04/06/2013

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