Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Downloads I Use, Part I - Mods & Hacks


The CEP, by Numenor at MTS2: Newest version 9.2, updated 05/15/09

GunMod's Camera Hack at MTS2

Mods and Hacks from MATY: All the MATY hacks I love; link goes to Apartment Life hacks.
alfixes: Apartment Life fixes
antibusinessdecay: Keeps your owned businesses from becoming worthless
antigardenlag: Speeds up the game by hiding the bugs and ladybugs
antiredundancy: Eliminates spawning of unnecessary redundant NPCs
antiwatchout: Many travel-related fixes
antiweatherreaction: Keeps the weather gawking queue-stomping at bay
apthack: More apartment-related fixes
bedsidefix: Fixes a few double bed-related problems
callover: Sims will run when called by another sim
clothingtool: Really, the only clothing/ makeover hack you will need
coffeecuphack: Fixes those coffee cup annoyances
comm-skilling: Enables community skilling, because going to the gym for hours and not getting body skill is just stupid.
creaturefixes: Fixes many supernatural creature related borkedness.
fishandharvestfix: Fixes some of the lag and community lot issues associated with Seasons.
fitness4all: Townies now become fit or fat based on their behaviors.
frontdoorhack: Fixes much delivery stupidity.
ftminifixes: Fixes various Free Time issues.
interactwogreet: Eliminates the necessity of a Sim's greeting in order to interact with passersby.
interestlosshack: Fixes the problem of sims losing interests just because they are gaining interests.
jobfixes: Various OFB fixes.
localwalkby: Sims who walk by are more likely to be actual neighbors.
ltwvariety: Makes the Life Time Wants less strictly Aspiration-controlled.
manual-navigation: Fixes the problems of a plotted path getting queue-stomped.
marriage-postmortum: Fixes the family tree issues after a spouse passes.
noagediscrimination: Elders can get real jobs, instead of the crappy ones.
noagingswarm: Only the people in the room cheer on the birthday sim, eliminating the need to wait half an hour for the guy in the bathroom to show up for the age transition to happen.
nobathroomdishes: Finally, no taking the dishes to the bathroom!
nocorruptdeath: Eliminates corrupt death markers.
nohumble: No Humble! Eliminates the Rod Humble visitation and makes his computer buyable.
noaplusspam: Only the first A+ memory is recorded.
nolamehires: Fixes various OFB hiring issues.
nooffercheap: Employee salespeople can no longer lower prices.
noplagarism: Fixes novel publication issues.
nossrespawn: Eliminates unnecessary respawning of Secret Society members.
nostrayrespawn: Eliminates unnecessary respawning of stray animals.
notelepathy: Fixes some relative-based memory problems.
nouniprotect: Fixes Dormie issues.
nounlinkondelete: Fixes potential issues caused by moving tombstones to Community lots.
nowhatsthis: No more obnoxious "What's This?" reactions.
ofbfixes: Various OFB fixes.
orchardtreefix: Fixes Maxis-borked orchard trees.
phonehack: Many telephone-related fixes.
punchcuphack: Just like the coffee cup hack, but for punch cups.
relevantwages: Fixes OFB wage-related issues.
restaurantbarfix: Stops the endless townie eating loop, as well as restaurant-based queue-stompage.
snseldercareeroutfitfix: Repairs some of the borked Maxis elder uniforms.
sshack: Various nanny and social worker fixes.
stereohack: Various stereo-based fixes.
thefightclub: Makes fighting interactions and outcomes more realistic, as opposed to the hodgepodge Maxis created.
tippingfix: Makes tipping interactions more realistic and logical.
vacationfixes: Fixes some of the BV vacation bonkiness.
warmthfixes: Eliminates some of the stupidity involved in sims getting too warm.
winterflowerfix: Gardeners will no longer water flowers in early winter.
woohooltwfix: Repairs the missing Woohoo LTW memory problem.

See Them 2.31 by DavLuv: because I'm old enough to see naked Sims, damn it.

Monique's Mods (available at Insim and MTS2: The mods by Monique I use:
Save Your Game Reminder: Provides a prompt to remind you to save your game.
Magazine Delivery: Like, OMG, get your magazines delivered. What a wacky idea!
Auto Do Homework Mod: Prompts your sim kids to do their homework at 7pm.
Monique's Computer, (updated for FT & AL by Chaavik at InSIM): Does so many wonderful things...

Squinge's Mods (hosted at InSIM):
Pregnant Sims Wear Any Outfit: So a preggo sim can still feel like herself...
Multiple Roommates: So a sim can have more than one roommate in an apartment.
NapMoreEnergy: Gives your sims a bit more of an energy boost than the useless Maxis nap.
SkipRopeFitnessGain: Allows sims to get fit by jumping rope.
AgeMoreTownies: Allows you to age up to ten townies at a time.
ChildrenSleepover: So your sim kids can have slumber parties!
BuyWitchNoFriends: Makes it possible to buy potions and things from the NPC witch without having to be her friend.
SitFloortoWatchTV: Allows sims to sit on the floor and watch TV.

Lord Darcy's Mods at MTS2
Ld_DarcyStairModularPassageFix_All: Enables sims to walk under, or place objects under, modular stairs.
Ld_Darcy_MaxisObjectsCenterpieceEnabler: Allows tables to remain functional even with centerpieces.

Marriage Last Name Chooser by marhis at MTS2: Allows you to choose which last name you want your sims to keep at marriage.

dickhurt's Mods at MTS2
df_water_inaccessible_flowers_fix: Allows your sim to water flowers the game deems inaccessible.

Inge Jones's Mods at Simological
SharedIsChairABoothGlobal: Enables chairs to be placed as booths
SharedIsSofaASectionalGlobal: Enables sofas to be places as sectionals
ijCommunityTelescopesPatch: Allows placement of telescopes on community lots.
StayThingsShrub: Allows for the choice of leaving furniture in the house when a sim moves out, instead of it all being sold.
Inaccessible Beds: Allows Simmies to use a bed that is flush with a wall, etc.

No Red Lines at Pause by BeosBoxBoy at InSim.

Hood Deco Goes Anywhere by SaraMK at MATY: Lets you place neighborhood decor in previously unplaceable locations.

Skintone Selector by christianlov at MTS2.

Smarter Lights by Numenor at MTS2: Lights turn on and off as sims enter/ exit a room.

Put Your Homework Away, reservable desk mod by Moghughson at MTS2

Modified Pose Boxes by Aki Kaminari at GOS: Poseboxes from various sites with more descriptive selection options.

Waterfall and River Effects, Neighborhood Deco by Numenor at MTS2

Collection Packages
Ivy and Rocks by bubbajoe at MTS2

TT = To Test

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